Sunday, January 10, 2010


Sylar- def: A character in leading TV Series Heroes™ who's power is stealing other people's abilities also my favorite bad guy of all time

I admit it….Im tired of hiding the truth. Im a copy cat…I like to copy stuff I think is cool. I was always musical…my mother says its coz she used to put the speakers near her tummy when she was pregnant and I used to kick…but that's besides the point. The point is, I never bothered picking up an instrument. Then when I was 7 years old, a group of my class mates started playing recorder and it was the in thing, so I started it. Then at 9 years I went back to live in Kenya and none of the kids there were playing it…instead…bano(marbles) was the in thing…so i started that. The list goes on to my current talents…

I started playing guitar coz it was the cool thing at the time…but that finally became a real passion thank goodness…not just for the coolness. Now I play bass, drums and keys…I love music

When I was 14 I couldn't dance to save my life…but my best friends in high school were the best dancers, dare I say…in the country. So i took it up. And just like Sylar, i learnt and perfected it…now I cant stop dancing…i hear music…a dance comes into my head like clockwork. Now Im a dance choreographer.

I even started a blog coz people I think are cool have blogs…I used to have other methods of relieving stress…but they were counterproductive so I guess this is aight.

My point is, if I were a member of the cast of Heroes, I would be Sylar…apart from the obvious fact that Im black and way more dashing and attractive


  1. best friends in high school were the best dancers in the country??? is your ego really that big? :)


  2. You may be a coreographer, but who do you teach??
