Monday, November 16, 2009

To Miss Caffeine and Fanta

I just noticed that something you blogged about was extremely true...
Im bored...and i have nothing better to do so im gonna eat a chicken burger and have some you said...where's the line between boredom and hunger...its like the same freaking thin
In other news...screw him for forgetting your anniversary! I know I wouldnt!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We'd Wed Weed

They think they're so special as if we'd,
Not heard the message that He'd,
Shared when they wanted to stone her because she'd,
Committed adultery 'alone'...jeez
Meanwhile they were all staring at her double d's
Arms folded in digust..bboy stances...wannabe G's

They think they're so special, like a married,
As if the blood was only for them shed,
No space for anyone one else in their bed,
Prefer to lead never to be led,
Thinking about themselves getting head...ahead of the already fed...up Tom, Dick and...Ted
The selfish act amounts to nothing...brain dead...(pun intend....ed)

Their beliefs are like weed,
To refresh them again...just breathe,
Only relevant in time of need,
Misquote the book, cant you read?
Never led, always lead...(this line is in the 2nd verse, yes indeed)
Thinking that they're spreading their good seed
Keep it to yourself...with you I plead
Cause He knows what I hunger for...He will feed

We'd Wed Weed...