Today is Valentine’s Day 14th Feb 2009...a day of love and yadi yadi yada...but for me this is the day my world stood still and i got a jolt from fate. Today is the day I woke up to receive a call from father dearest (note the sarcasm) to tell me that his mum had died. And thats not even why he was a by the way at the end of the call. Pause...rewind a decade and a half...this is the woman he had promised to take me to see...this is the woman who wanted to see me...this is the woman who my dad later forbade me to visit...this is the woman who I knew loved me...this is the woman i missed even though I never met...this WAS my grandmother.
“She died of cancer,” he said “I just thought I’d let you know!”
As a final resort to salvage my sanity, I have decided to start writing...I have two journals...full of ideas, feelings, intentions but empty of words...seasoned with only the ink of the giver and my prologue covered with procrastination.
Just for the name is MiKa and all this is based on a true story...the life of Melvin Karani Kathurima born 30th June 1988